Sunday, October 12, 2008

the most popular mongolian in malaysia

i have never met any Mongolian in my life. but i have the perception that Mongolian girls are tall and pretty, but too bad the only one known to all Malaysians was a dead one. everyone knows how to pronounce her name properly, even my old illiterate grandmother know how to spell the name of "altantuya".

Her brutal murder was still a myth with much speculations, and there is an clear indication of political influence/ interference over her case involving many atas people in malaysia following malaysiatoday's another revelation recently.

even though raja petra was detained under ISA, malaysiatoday still able to update/ reveal the abuse of power by dpm. text messages transmitted between Najib's personal mobile phone (+6012 2143177) and Shafee's mobile phone (+6012 3257052)was published, also carried by many websites and bloggers.

as usual, mainstream media will not report the news until najib's official response to it.

malaysiakini reported that anti-Najib banners have sprung up in some parts of the city, but najib's supporters deny the latest news could have any effect on his upcoming unmo presidency campaign.

Malaysiakini also quoted a long-time close supporter saying that they were not bothered at all, and all these allegations was obviously intended to sabotage najib, "but he is riding a wave of popularity now. I don't think Umno members have much choice anyway."

i just wonder, what will happen next? will najib swear again like he did previously? or another round of tangkapan under ISA????

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